Causes of hand dysfunction

    Since humans walked upright and liberated their hands, their hands became an important tool for people to complete various production and entertainment activities. In a sense, human civilization is based on hand function. The hand function is extensive and complex, accounting for 54% of the body function. It is one of the most basic and important functions of human beings.

    In daily life, people often think we are born to do many hand movements such as writing, grabbing, and throwing, thus do not pay too much attention to it. However, these "unintentional" movements require a combination of complex hand anatomy and fine regulation of the central nervous system to play its role in order to meet the goals that people want to achieve. Due to frequent use, when there is damage related to hand structure, nerve regulation and even individual mental health, hand function will be impaired, lost or abnormal. We call it "hand dysfunction".

       So, what causes hand dysfunction?

    Musculoskeletal system injuries include hand injuries such as fractures, joint dislocations, amputations; degenerative conditions such as osteoarthritis; joint, tendon sheaths and synovial diseases. The hand dysfunction caused by such disease is mainly manifested by the movement of the hands and upper limbs and sensory dysfunction. Hand burns can cause dysfunction such as pain, limited joint activity, contracture deformity and edema.

     Nervous system damage can be divided into central and peripheral nervous system injuries. Central nervous system diseases causing hand dysfunction are mainly stroke, Parkinson's disease, high spinal cord injury, etc.; peripheral nervous system diseases are mainly brachial plexus injury, mediannerve / phrenic nerve / ulnar nerve injury, nerve compression. The symptoms of hand and upper limb dysfunction caused by nervous system diseases are complex, mainly involving motor and sensory functions, while central nervous system diseases can also cause cognitive and other dysfunction.

    Tumors the primary dysfunction caused by breast cancer, lung cancer, head ,neck cancer itself or postoperative complication in hands and upper limbs is mainly characterized by lymphedema, limited joint activity, muscular dysfunction, paresthesia or loss of sensation.

    Other Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis,osteoporosis, chronic pain, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, systemic sclerosis and other diseases can all cause hand and upper limb dysfunction. At the same time, children with cerebral palsy, calving and burns can suffer from hand dysfunction.

    With the changes of social and times, the spectrum of diseases is changing. The incidence of hand trauma has decreased year by year, while the hand dysfunction secondary to central nervous system injury is becoming more and more common. In addition, people are more and more concerned about the quality of daily life, pursuing the improvement of hand and upper limb function. Therefore, hand dysfunction can not be ignored and hand function recovery is also indispensable!